Exhibition Proposals

Please read thoroughly before submitting a proposal.

The opportunity to exhibition artwork is one benefit of St. Tammany Art Association Artist Membership however you do not have to be a member to submit a proposal. The Art House, STAA’s center, contains two exhibition spaces, the Miriam Barranger Gallery, an exhibition space for visiting artists, and the Brick Room Gallery for Member Artists only.

Visiting Artists must complete an Exhibition proposals. Each proposal must include:

  • An Artist Statement, a short narrative which describes and identifies the artistic purpose of the exhibition. Learn how to make an Artist Statement here.

  • A short biography

  • 15-20 images of completed work. Each image must include titles, dates, dimensions, and mediums.

  • Curriculum Vitae or resume listing your exhibitions, any education or workshops which have been important in developing your work, and articles and/or reviews.

All Visiting Artist proposals must provide the name of a project leader who will meet with the artists’ advisory in advance of the exhibition and in the weeks leading up to the show. The advisory will provide support for the project leader by assisting with a time line, and various resources and details which must be completed according to specific guidelines.

Please include a description of any educational component proposed as part of the exhibition. These may include an artists walking tours, workshops, or demonstrations. An education component is not required for the proposal to be considered, however, STAA strongly advocates education as part of community outreach.

Questions? Please send an e-mail with the w0rds “Exhibition Proposal” in the subject line to: info@sttammany.art or call STAA at 985-892-8650 and a member of the Artist Advisory Board will contact you to answer your questions.

Only completed proposals are considered. Completed proposals must include all support materials and must be may be submitted to info@sttammany.art, or mailed or dropped off at the St. Tammany Art Association, 320 North Columbia Street, Covington, Louisiana 70433. The Artists Advisory Board schedules exhibitions in advance, so any proposal should be submitted at least one year prior to the intended exhibition date.


Selections for exhibition are presented to the Board of Directors for final approval. The Artist Advisory schedules 6 – 8 exhibitions a year in advance. If you would like to support local art and exhibition opportunities like these, consider becoming an Artist Member. You will be notified if your proposal will be scheduled. STAA may keep submissions for future consideration as resource materials for future exhibitions. Members of the Advisory are professional artists and arts educators who have experience in organizing exhibitions for the St. Tammany Art Association. For new artists, this is an opportunity to experience working in collaboration with other art professionals. Should you wish to be considered for exhibition with a group rather than as a singularly featured artist, please indicate this in your narrative or email.